Public Education

Education is the path to achieving dreams and in Wisconsin it is a constitutional promise that was made by our legislature that all children in Wisconsin will have access to public education. A fully funded, equitable, and inclusive education experience is what Wisconsin’s children deserve regardless of their zip code.

Parents, administrators, community leaders, and teachers need to work together to come up with better solutions for our children. It is going to take more than just better funding to find these solutions to the many gaps in our school system.

A woman and child are sitting at the table
A group of children walking across the street.

Invest In Our Children's Future

Our children are the future of society. They are our doctors, legislators, nurses, and business leaders. We need to invest in the education of these future leaders or what will our futures hold? We have so many children that are suffering from dysregulation, anxiety, and depression. We need mental health professionals to come alongside our children and our teachers to create an environment suitable for learning.