2022 - '23 Wisconsin PTA Grant Opportunities
New and improved for this school year!
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Grant
Local units and councils are again invited to apply for this grant. Wisconsin PTA & Educator’s Credit Union will be offering 4 $1,000 grants to enhance or improve an already existing program/event to make it more equitable and accessible for students and families–or start a new one!
Deadlines for application will be October 23, 2022.
Questions? hbirk@wisconsinpta.org
Mental Health & Wellness Grant
Local units and councils are encouraged to apply for this grant to address student mental health and wellness within your school/district community. It can be used in conjunction with other funds to start a peer to peer support program, such as the Hope Squad, or to create a standalone event/program. Please work with your school or district social workers, counselors, and psychologists to come up with a plan that suits your local community. We are offering 4 grants in the amount of $2,000 each. If you have questions, please contact Heather at hbirk@wisconsinpta.org.
More opportunities from National PTA
Reflections Art Program Grant
Wisconsin PTA is inviting local units and councils to apply by October 23, 2022, for one of six $500 Reflections grants.
The Reflections Arts Program is a National PTA program that encourages students across the US to express themselves through works of art surrounding a central theme. This year’s theme is “Show Your Voice!” Students can submit entries in one or more of the six categories: Dance, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts.
This year the Wisconsin PTA is offering grants to local units who will develop an event/program that will encourage students to get creative and express themselves. You can host an event specifically for students to complete their projects, add an art station at an already planned event (school dance, conferences, etc.) or work with your teachers to incorporate time to complete submission in class. All submitted art pieces must have parent approval. Funds may be used to purchase art supplies for student use.
The deadline for applications will be October 23, 2022.