
Bylaws are the written rules that must be followed. Bylaws deal with the structure of the association and generally include a mission statement and provide for meetings, elections of a board of directors and officers, filling vacancies, notices, types, and duties of officers, committees, and assessments. Bylaws are, in effect, a contract among members, and must be formally adopted and/or amended by a 2/3 vote by general membership with 30 days’ notice given. Bylaws are subject to the approval of Wisconsin PTA and must be submitted every three years for review.

If you can’t find a copy of your unit’s bylaws, contact our office to obtain one. All officers should be familiar with the local unit bylaws. Any member has a right to view them.

Unless your bylaws are currently due for review and submission for approval to Wisconsin PTA, you do not have to update your bylaws. Check your MemberHub site under the Compliance Tab>Submissions

For more information on Bylaws

A woman and child are sitting at the table
A group of children walking across the street.

Standing Rules

Standing Rules should list the specific responsibilities of each committee and the various chairmen, who work with the vice president under the first vice president’s title.
If the organization has supplies and/or equipment, the Standing Rules should state who is responsible for them and where they would be kept.
Standing Rules might also list:

  • Who has the responsibility for securing the retiring president’s pin and its inscription.
  • If there is to be an installation of officers, who is responsible for selecting the installing officers and when the installation should take place.
  • Assets of the association; popcorn machine, computer equipment; cell phone; office supplies.
  • In short, Bylaws are hard and fast rules that may be amended only with thirty days’ prior written notice to the membership.
  • Standing Rules are the details of monthly PTA work that may be changed from administration to administration or from meeting to meeting. They require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote without notice and a majority vote with 30 days notice to adopt or amend. Standing rules make the frequent/common actions simpler and provide for fairness and continuity of board decisions. They are the details of daily PTA work.


2022 - '23 Wisconsin PTA Grant Opportunities

New and improved for this school year!

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Grant

Local units and councils are again invited to apply for this grant.  Wisconsin PTA & Educator’s Credit Union will be offering:

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility – $1,000
This grant is to enhance or improve an already existing program or event to make it more equitable and accessible for students and families, or to start a new one. Please work with your school community, including staff and administrators, to create a plan that will meet the needs of your school community.

Deadlines for application will be October 23, 2022.

A group of children running down the sidewalk.Questions? [email protected]

Mental Health & Wellness Grant

Mental Health – $2,000
This grant is to address student mental health and wellness within your school community. It can be used in conjunction with other funds to create a long lasting program (such as peer support programs or after school events for youth to connect in safe and positive ways) or to create a standalone event or program (resource fair, family information nights, etc). Work with your school or district social workers, counselors, and psychologist to come up with a plan to support the needs of your school community, and help end the stigma surrounding mental health.

Deadline to apply is October 23, 2022.

A group of children running down the sidewalk. Questions?  Contact [email protected]

More opportunities from National PTA

A person is stacking blocks with words.
Reflections Art Program Grant

The Reflections Arts Program is a National PTA program that encourages students across the US to express themselves through works of art surrounding a central theme. This years theme is “Show Your Voice!” Students can submit entries in one of the six categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts.

This year we are offering $500 grants to encourage students to get creative and express themselves. You can host an event specifically for students to complete their projects, add an art station at an already planned event (school dance, conferences, etc) or work with your teachers to incorporate time to complete submissions in class. All submitted art pieces must have parent approval. Funds may be used to purchase art supplies for student use.

Deadline to apply is October 23, 2022

A group of children running down the sidewalk.


How to Host a Successful Hybrid Meeting or Event

New!”¯Check out our two-part training designed to help local PTAs host hybrid meetings and events like speaker presentations and panel discussions.

Part 1: Technology