The Nitty Gritty Explained
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), (IDEA), and College and Career Readiness (CCR) are terms used throughout school pubilcations, advocacy campaigns, parent groups, and other education-focused organizations. Legislation professionals, advocates and volunteers have worked hard to explain these in easier terms.
What is ESSA? The Every Student Succeeds Act was passed by the U.S Congress in December of 2015 to replace No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) signed into law by George Bush in 2002. It was then signed into law by President Obama Decemeber 10, 2015. This bipartisan measure reauthorizes the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the nation’s national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was first signed into law in 1965 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. ESEA offered new grants to districts with low-income students such as federal grants for textbooks, library books, funding for special education centers, and scholarships for low-income college students. Additionally, the law provided federal grants to the state’s education agencies to improve the quality of elementary and secondary education.
Additional Resources:
Wisconsin PTA knows how valuable parents and families are to their students success. We are parents too! We would like to share some National PTA’s Parents’ Guides to Student Success available by grade level, College & Career Readiness Resources, Special Education Resources, and so much more!
Local and Council Units can submit their documents to the Wisconsin PTA by using this form.
The following forms are to be used by local units under Wisconsin PTA group exemption that serve one school.
These forms are for use by local units that serve an area rather than one school.
These forms are to be used by local units whom are no longer under the group exemption because they were reinstated by the IRS and now have their own tax exemption.
This is for use by councils only ““ units that belong to a council should use one of the three local unit packets listed above.
CCR stands for College and Career Readiness, an initiative pushed to help”¦
Current Focus Areas
We partner with the leadership team of the Wisconsin After school Network.
We advocate for a better nurse/student ratio and better trained school staff for improved handling of health issues during school hours.
We advocate for health insurance for all children and have partnered with Badger Care to help spread awareness.
Our annual Walk for Healthy Kids provides mini grants for health and wellness programs. Substance abuse prevention, particularly awareness of inhalant abuse.
More Reasons to Believe in
the Power of PTA
PTA believes together we can make every child’s potential a reality. There is no wrong or right way to be involved ““ anything you can give, whether it’s time or money, will help to support children’s health, safety and quality of education, and build stronger, more inclusive school communities. Join us today, it only takes a few minutes.
Family Resources
The National PTA shares a large number of resources with Wisconsin PTA (WI PTA). Coupled with the incredible information our sponsors and allies share, we have information for most topics of interest for Wisconsin families.
Awards & Scholarships
Scholarships and awards at the regional, state, and national level are just one of the ways students gain from PTA. Honory Life awards are also given to recognize those who devote their lives to Wisconsin children.
Convention & Expo
Our conventions and expos are a great way to mingle with other parents, leaders, educators, and outside organizations. Hearing how advocacy succeeds, receiving hands-on training They are also one of the biggest sources of operational funds for WI PTA.
Art Ed-Reflections
The Reflections Art Program encourages students to express themselves through creative arts. Visual arts, music composition, photography, literature, dance choreography, film production, and special artist awards given.