2023 is an election year at Wisconsin PTA! Officers are elected for the Wisconsin PTA every two years by the general membership at the Annual Wisconsin PTA Convention in April. The nominating committee is currently looking for all officer positions and at large board members.
Wisconsin PTA Board of Directors Position Descriptions
Elected Officers
President-Elect: Succeeds the current president, performs duties of the president in the president’s absence, acts as an aid to the president, member of Executive Committee, Legislative, Site Selection, and Joan Dykstra Friend of Education Committees. Chairs Leadership Committee and Region Advisors.
Vice President: Member of the Executive Committee and chairs Policy & Procedure, Resolutions, and Site Selection Committees.
Secretary: Member of the Executive Committee and chairs the Awards Committee. Responsible for keeping accurate record of all meetings; be prepared to read the records of any previous meetings, file all records, and assist with Parliamentary Procedure.
Treasurer: Member of the Executive Committee and chairs the Budget Committee. Maintains a full account of the funds of the WI PTA; cause to be kept a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the WI PTA; render a written statement to the board of directors at each meeting; present an annual report of the financial condition of the organization, prepare or cause to be prepared an annual report for audit. Experience with MoneyMinder is helpful but not required.
Board-Elected Chairpersons
Bylaws Chair: Is responsible for the process approval of local unit bylaws, suggests and prepares amendments to the WI PTA bylaws when needed, participates in workshops and trainings relevant to bylaws; is a member of the Policy & Procedures and an advisory member of the Reflections and Membership Committee.
Convention Chair: Leads the team in planning and executing the annual meeting and convention.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Manages DEI grants for local units, including working with sponsoring partners, writing articles for the newsletter, and maintaining information for the website. Provide/participate in training for local units to expand diversity, equity, and inclusion with the goal of all members feeling that they belong in PTA.
Education Chair: Keeps current on education issues and reports to the board, suggests and writes resolutions on education issues when needed. Participates with partner organizations working to advocate for education and issues concerning students and teachers in Wisconsin.
Extension: Work collaboratively with the president, board, and National PTA extension liaison to develop an annual extension plan for the state based on membership and demographic information to identify schools and communities in which efforts will be targeted to establish new PTA units.
Heath & Wellness Chair: Keeps current on health and wellness issues and reports to the board, oversees health grants to local units, suggests and writes resolutions on health and wellness issues when needed. Participates with partner organizations to promote the Health and Wellness of children in Wisconsin.
Legislative Chair, State: Keeps the membership current on state legislative activities, attends legislative hearings, meetings, and conferences, issues calls to action, is an advisory member of the Resolutions Committee. Plans and executes the legislative conference and advises/provides training on state advocacy.
Legislative Chair, Federal: Keeps the membership current on federal legislative activities, issues calls to action, is an advisory member of the Resolutions Committee and assists in State Legislative Conference and advises/provides training on federal advocacy. Represents Wisconsin PTA at National PTA at any Federal Legislative Committee Meetings and attends the annual Federal Legislative Conference.
Marketing/PR Chair: Promotes the work and mission of Wisconsin PTA via the website, social media, press releases, and working with sponsoring partners to make sure that they receive the recognition that they deserve.
Membership Chair: Helps local chairs with MemberHub and recruiting techniques, oversees the tabulation, recording, and reporting to National all membership totals. Also responsible for planning, processing, and distributing all membership awards/incentives, plans membership event at convention, provides training for local unit membership drives.
Newsletter Editor: Sets deadlines, creates newsletter from submitted articles, solicits articles as needed, finds articles to fill space if needed. Works closely with Marketing Chair to ensure that the work and mission of Wisconsin PTA is promoted and sponsoring partners receive the recognition that they deserve.
Reflections Chair: Responsible for the implementation of the Reflections program at the state level, process the winning entries and keeps reflections records, notifies winners, plans and is master of ceremony at the Reflections celebration. Also responsible for providing training for local unit leaders to successfully run a program at their school/district.
Region Advisor: Responsible for the relationship and service of local units and their leadership. Assist local units in meeting standards of affiliation to keep their local unit in good standing, answer questions, provide training, visit local units and provide support when necessary. Start new units and promote the work of PTA to non-PTA groups. Work with Leadership and President-Elect to plan trainings, webinars, instructional video as needed to support local units in their work.
Resource Development: Identify sources of revenue (grants, sponsors, donors), ensure compliance with National PTA fundraising goals and objectives, create ongoing relationships with Wisconsin PTA Supporters.
Technology Chair: Ensures the maintenance of the website, advises board on technology needs, oversees technology used during meetings and at conventions, communicates needs to other chairs. Familiarity with Office 365, Microsoft Teams, WordPress, presentation technologies, and MemberHub are helpful.
Youth Representative: Shall work in collaboration with National, State, and Local PTAs to provide education resources, leadership training, and opportunities to increase youth participation and visibility in Wisconsin PTA.
Fill out a letter of intent today!