Elections and your local unit
March 26, 2020
To our local units,
WI PTA has been getting many questions and concerns via email in regards to school closings and nominating/election meetings before the end of the school year.
1.) How is our nominating committee supposed to report our nominees to our members?
You may submit your slate of officers via electronic media ““ Facebook, Twitter, and Email. Each member should receive this information via an electronic source.
2.) How can we hold an election meeting?
This is an answer based on current forces in effect, and with the uncertainty of the nationwide emergency, our best suggestion is to hold off on elections until you can meet in person again. This might mean that you have to wait until next school year. Now, if school does not resume for the rest of this school year, over the summer, try to get members so you can hold a vote in August / September. Technically, as of July 1, 2020, you have no current members until the new school year membership is turned in. Election Meetings CANNOT be held electronically, only in person.
3.) How do we hold a budget meeting?
Per our local unit bylaws, executive board meetings and committee meetings are allowed to be held via an internet platform (Zoom, FreeConferenceCall, etc.) Voting to approve the budget via the internet meeting is allowed, but must be done by roll call, and all voters need to be members previously verified before vote can begin.
Please review your bylaws, and a copy of these will be provided as an attachment. We know this is a very trying and frustrating time, but we will all come out of this stronger!
Stay healthy and safe. WI PTA sends our thoughts and prayer to all of our units in hopes this will keep us strong!
Heidi Nicolazzo
WI PTA President
ARTICLE VII: Meetings of the Association
Section 5. Only members of a local PT A/PTSA who have paid dues for the current membership year may participate in the business of the local PT A/PTSA.
Section 6. Each member in attendance at a meeting is eligible to vote, aside from the president who only votes in the case of a tie.
Section 7. There shall be no proxy or absentee voting by any member of a constituent association of Wisconsin PT A.
Section 8. Electronic Meetings
a. Meeting of the executive board and all committee meetings shall be authorized to be held by telephone conference or through other electronic communications media so long as all the members can simultaneously hear each other and participate during the meeting.
b. If the association has the capacity to offer electronic meeting communications to all members so they can fully participate in the meeting, general membership meetings shall be authorized to be held electronically, provided that the meeting is also held in person for those that can be physically present.
1. Only PTA members shall be allowed to vote electronically.
2. Attendance shall be taken by voice roll call and compared to the current membership list
3. All voting during electronic meetings shall be by voice roll call and that vote shall be recorded and included with the minutes in the approval process of those minutes.
4. Election meetings shall be held in person with no electronic attendees.
5. Agendas, minutes and all reports shall be distributed one week prior to the meeting
c. Meeting and voting by email shall not be permitted under any circumstances.
Section 9. Unless members indicate otherwise to the PTA president, all communications required by these bylaws, including meeting notices, may be sent electronically unless communication is otherwise specified in these bylaws.
Please view or download the voting guide for helpful information by clicking here
Click below to find more information on elections and nominating procedures. Have any further questions?Contact us!