A group of people sitting around a table.


At the heart of every PTA is family. Families make up the community in which every school PTA should build relationships to support our students, teachers, and administrators as they prepare children to be the future contributing members of our communities.

Let’s make sure that family and community engagement is transformative and actually supports student outcomes. Transformative family engagement is a shared effort of families, schools and community leaders to advance programs, practices and policies that empower every parent to make their child’s potential a reality.

The Four ‘I’s of transformative family engagement https://www..pta.org/the-center-for-family-engagement/about#fouris outline how your PTA can become more inclusive, individualized, integrated and impactful in its approach to family engagement.

Forming partnerships between schools and families.

Enrollment for the 2024-25 National PTA School of Excellence program is open until October 15!

Make a commitment to excellence! Over 50 years of research shows increased family engagement is linked to school improvement and student achievement—get started with the School of Excellence program.

Enroll today– https://www.pta.org/home/programs/National-PTA-School-of-Excellence

Take your family to school week: https://www.pta.org/home/events/PTA-Take-Your-Family-to-School-Week

To build a more diverse, equitable and inclusive PTA, visit our DEIA page at https://wisconsinpta.org/diversity-equity-inclusion/ or visit the National PTA site for more resources!