To be in good standing your PTA Unit/Council must:

  • Log in and set up the free Givebacks (formerly MemberHub) site & Stripe account to  manage and submit membership, upload compliance documents, and run your store platform.
  • Submit current officer list by no later than September 15th via Givebacks
  • Remit State and National portion of dues ($5.25) for 15 or more members via Givebacks by November 1.
  • Remit State and National portion of dues for every member to the Wisconsin PTA by the 15th of the month for every month dues are collected.
  • Reviews & revises bylaws (as necessary or desired) every three (3) years.  When the bylaws are reviewed/revised, post a copy of the proposed bylaws for your membership to review for 30 days and then invite them to vote for the approval.  Bylaws require a 2/3 vote of approval from the membership that is in attendance.  Please upload the signed copy via the Compliance tab in Givebacks.
  • Submits proof of Annual Financial Review (Audit) via the Compliance tab in Givebacks by November 1st
  • Submits proof of filing IRS required tax forms (either proof of online filing or the completed forms) via Givebacks under the Compliance tab by November 15.

Only PTA/PTSA/Councils in good standing are eligible to participate in Wisconsin PTA programs including Reflections, and qualify for awards, grants, and scholarships or in National PTA programs or grants.

Resources & Documents

Units Not in Good Standing

If you ever find your unit in a situation that you are not in good standing, please contact your region advisor or immediately—we are here to help! If you do not know if your unit is in good standing, reach out and ask, again, we are here to help. However, if your unit is not in good standing and we do not hear from you, there are consequences. It is much easier to get you caught up than try to reverse an IRS decision.

  • If a unit or council does not submit dues for at least 15 members by June 30th the unit will be evaluated to have their charter pulled and lose their 501(c)3 tax-exempt status.
  • If a unit or council does not have current bylaws or a completed audit within a year of their due date, they may work with a Wisconsin PTA Board member for a fee or lose their 501(c)3 tax-exempt status.
  • If a unit or council does not file tax forms with the IRS annually, they may receive fines from the IRS. If the unit or council does not file for three (3) years in a row the IRS will revoke their 501(c)3 tax-exempt status.

What is a PTA Council?

A ‘council’ is a group of local PTA units (no less than three) organized under the authority of the State PTA for the purpose of promoting conferences, communications, leadership development, and coordination of efforts of such local PTA units.

Purposes of Councils:

Councils play an important role in the PTA. They provide support and assistance to the PTA units within their areas and are a valuable resource of guidance and information. Councils provide the following services:

  • Interpret, promote and support the basic policies of the PTA
  • Coordinate the efforts of local units within their areas
  • Make people aware of the need for action through the united strength of local PTAs
  • Promote the use of State and National PTA publications, programs, and projects
  • Provide in-depth background information on current issues related to the lives and education of children and youth
  • Assist local units, when asked, in understanding and carrying out the action requested by resolutions adopted at State and National PTA conventions
  • Build local unit and public support for local, State, and National PTA legislative action
  • Provide opportunities for PTAs to address issues, which include but reach beyond the local school community
  • Strengthen PTA leadership by providing leadership development
  • Coordinate/cooperate in community projects
  • Enhance communication among local units, the council, and the state
  • Represent the interests of their member local units and the State and National PTA before school districts within their geographic areas and other
    appropriate provider organizations or advocacy groups
  • Provide a forum for public information and debate on issues affecting children and youth, for candidates for public office and for legislative/public policy matters