To join your local PTA contact your school today. You can also contact the PTA Wisconsin state office for more information or join the Wisconsin At Large Unit (WALU). The state office can be contacted at (608) 244-1455 or by emailing [email protected].

What is a WALU Membership?

A WALU membership is an excellent way to show your support for the Wisconsin PTA even if there is not a PTA in your community. WALU membership is only $10.00. Benefits of Membership:

  • Show your support for the PTA Mission:  to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for every child.
  • Receive the newsletter Wisconsin Parent Teacher
  • Opportunities to volunteer or attend our events
  • Participate in advocacy campaigns
  • Discounts from National PTA Sponsors
A group of people sitting at a table with food.
A blue and white graphic with the words " parent-teacher association " in front of it.

Start a PTA/PTSA

Wisconsin PTA has two general types of units that will suit most any parent-teacher group’s needs. The most common is a local unit that is typically formed in an individual school building. This is great if you have many children and families to serve in one school community. Although PTA is for anyone who believes in the mission, local unit PTAs consist of membership from one school community, such as Roosevelt Elementary PTA is associated with the Roosevelt Elementary School community.

Another type of unit is a Community PTA/PTSA, this type of unit is often used in a community that wants to encompass students, families, and teachers from a larger geographic area such as the Falcon Foundation PTA which serves the entire Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton/Brookwood School District. This type of community PTA can serve an entire district or a section of a district, for instance, some school districts are set up with several elementary schools that feed into a particular secondary school and then into a particular high school. In this case you could have a community PTA that serves all three schools from Early Childhood through High School. Another option would be to have a community PTA that serves the middle (intermediate) and high schools in a district. Due to the fact that your PTA/PTSA will have its own unique ideas of how to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering your specific community to advocate for all children, you should choose the model that best suits your needs.

Ready to get started or find out more information? Contact [email protected] or call 1-608-244-1455.

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