Bylaws, Resolutions, & Position Statements
Coming soon!
These are the written rules that must be followed. Bylaws deal with the structure of the association and generally include a mission statement and provide for meetings, elections of a board of directors and officers, filling vacancies, notices, types, and duties of officers, committees, and assessments. Bylaws are, in effect, a contract among members, and must be formally adopted and/or amended by a 2/3 vote by general membership with 30 days’ notice given.
Resolutions are written proposals which express concerns of the submitting local or state unit and which ask for action on the part of the State or National PTA to address problems or situations that affect children and youth state-and-nationwide. Rescinding items that are outdated, irrelevant or inappropriate from our current listing of resolutions and basic policy is the legal way to retire a motion.
Resolutions are what give your PTA the groundwork to speak as a whole. Units can speak on resolutions the National and State PTA have already passed or make their own as long as they follow the Objects and Mission of PTA.
Article I: Name
The name of this association is the Wisconsin Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc. It is commonly known and will be referred to in these bylaws as the “Wisconsin PTA.”
Article II: Purposes
Section 1. The purpose or purposes (objects) which the corporation will hereafter pursue are:
a. To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, places of worship, and throughout the community;
b. To raise the standards of home life;
c. To secure adequate laws that further the education, physical and mental health, welfare, and safety of children and youth;
d. To promote the collaboration and engagement of families and educators in the education of children and youth;
e. To engage the public in united efforts to secure the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of all children and youth; and
f. To advocate for fiscal responsibility regarding public tax dollars in public education funding.
Section 2. The purposes of the PTA are promoted through an advocacy and educational program directed toward parents, teachers, and the general public; are developed through conferences, committees, projects, and programs; and governed and qualified by the basic principles set forth in Article III.
Section 3. The association is organized exclusively for the charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code (hereinafter “Internal Revenue Code”).
Article III: Basic Principles
The following are basic principles of the National PTA:
a. The association shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.
b. The association shall work to engage and empower children, families and educators within schools and communities to provide quality education for all children and youth and shall seek to participate in the decision-making process by influencing school policy and advocating for children’s issues, recognizing that the legal responsibility to make decisions has been delegated by the people to boards of education, state education authorities, and local education authorities.
c. The association shall work to promote the health and welfare of children and youth and shall seek to promote collaboration between parents, schools, and the community at large. The Wisconsin PTA or any of its divisions may cooperate with other associations and agencies concerned with child welfare, but PTA/PTSA representatives shall make no commitments that bind the group they represent.
d. Commitment to inclusiveness and equity, knowledge of PTA and professional expertise shall be guiding principles for service in the association.
e. No part of the net earnings of the association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, trustees, officers, or other private persons except that the association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II hereof.
f. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (i) by an association exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) by an association, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)2 of the Internal Revenue Code.
g. The association or members in their official capacities shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distributing of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office, or devote more than an insubstantial part of its activities to attempting to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise.
Article IV: Constituent Associations
Section 1. The constituent associations of National PTA include:
a. State constituent associations of National PTA that have been established in the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Department of Defense education activity schools established by the D.O. D. in the future hereinafter called state constituent associations; or
b. Local constituent associations organized under the direct authority of National PTA when there is no state constituent association.
c. Local constituent associations organized under the authority of the state constituent associations.
Section 2. Qualifications.
a. Constituent associations of National PTA are any group which:
1. Meets the requirements established by the board of directors
2. Agree to and complies with Standards of Affiliation; and
3. Is approved by the board of directors
b. Local constituent associations organized under the authority of the state constituent associations shall meet the qualifications of the state constituent associations.
Section 3. Purposes and Principles. The purposes and principals of National PTA as prescribed in Articles II and III of National PTA bylaws, shall in every case also be the purposes and principals of each constituent association.
Section 4. Governance. Each state and local constituent association organized under the direct authority of National PTA shall adopt bylaws for the governance of its association. Such bylaws shall not be in conflict with National PTA or their state nonprofit corporate laws and are subject to review by the National PTA Bylaws Committee.
Section 5. Membership in Constituent Associations. Membership in a PTA constituent association shall be open, without discrimination, to anyone who believes in and supports the mission, purposes, and principles of National PTA and pay dues as prescribed in Section 6 of this Article.
Section 6. Dues. Members shall pay annual dues, as may be determined by the constituent association, which shall include the portion payable to the local and state PTA constituent association as determined by the local and state PTA constituent associations, and the portion payable to National PTA as recommended by the board of directors and approved by a two-thirds vote of the voting body at a National PTA Annual Meeting.
Section 7. Dissolution. Upon the dissolution of this association, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the association, association’s financial holding, property, all records and all remaining assets shall be distributed to National PTA in order to establish a new entity to service the state membership.
Article V: Wisconsin PTA
Section 1. The Wisconsin PTA is a state constituent association of the National PTA and exists for the purpose of accomplishing, at the state level, the purposes of the National PTA in accordance with its principles. Within the framework of the responsibility that it shares with the National PTA for the implementation of the Purposes of the National PTA and its obligation to comply with the National PTA Bylaws, the Wisconsin PTA is a self-governing association with independent legal existence.
Section 2. The Wisconsin PTA shall provide appropriate procedures for the organization of local PTAs within its area. The Wisconsin PTA may determine the membership year for the local PTAs in its area and prescribe the form and content of the bylaws or other articles of organization of such local PTAs.
Section 3. The Wisconsin PTA may create or establish subsidiary associations (districts or regions) within its area to facilitate the administration of the affairs of the Wisconsin PTA and for carrying out its programs and may prescribe the form and content of the bylaws or other articles of organization of such districts (or regions).
Section 4. The Wisconsin PTA may create or establish councils in counties, cities, or other areas designated by its board of directors for the purpose of conference, leadership training, and coordination of the efforts of local PTAs and may prescribe the form and content of the bylaws or other articles of organization of such councils. The local PTAs that shall be eligible for membership and participation in the work of any council shall be determined by the Wisconsin PTA. Councils shall not legislate for local PTAs.
Section 5. In the event of surrender or withdrawal of its charter by the National PTA, in the manner provided in Article IV of the National PTA Bylaws, the Wisconsin PTA is obligated:
a. To yield up and surrender all of its books and records and all of its assets and property, including those of the Wisconsin At Large Unit (WALU) or any other entity directly controlled by Wisconsin PTA to the National PTA or to such agency as may be designated by the National PTA to be held for the benefit of another branch association established by the National PTA for the area of the Wisconsin PTA;
b. To cease and desist from the further use of any name that implies or connotes association or affiliation with the National PTA or status as a branch or constituent association of the National PTA; and
c. To carry out promptly, under the supervision and direction of the National PTA, all proceedings necessary or desirable for the purpose of dissolving the Wisconsin PTA.
Section 6. The Wisconsin PTA is responsible for compliance by the local, council, district or region PTAs within its area with the National PTA Bylaws and the bylaws of the state PTA.
Section 7. The Wisconsin PTA shall submit to the National PTA a report of its work and activities for inclusion in the annual report of the National PTA.
Section 8. The Wisconsin PTA shall keep such permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts, and disbursements of the association, including, specifically, the number of local PTAs within its area, the national portion of membership dues collected by such local PTAs, the amounts of such dues received by the Wisconsin PTA, and the amounts of dues remitted to the National PTA. Such books of account and records, including those of controlled associations, shall, at all reasonable times, be open to inspection by an authorized representative of the National PTA.
Article VI: Local PTAs/PTSAs
Section 1. Local PTAs shall be organized and chartered under the authority of the Wisconsin PTA in the area in which the local PTA functions, in conformity with such rules and regulations, not in conflict with the National PTA Bylaws, as the Wisconsin PTA may in its bylaws prescribe. The Wisconsin PTA shall issue to each local PTA in its area an appropriate charter evidencing the due association and good standing of the local PTA.
A local PTA in good standing is one that:
a. Adheres to the purposes and basic principles of the PTA;
b. Remits the national portion of the dues through the state PTA to reach the national office by dates designated by the National PTA;
c. Has bylaws approved according to the procedures of Wisconsin PTA; and
d. Meets the criteria prescribed by Wisconsin PTA Policy and Procedure.
Section 2. Each local PTA shall keep such permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts, and disbursements of the association, including, specifically, the number of its members, the dues collected from its members, and the amounts of dues remitted to the Wisconsin PTA. Such books of account and records shall, at all reasonable times, be open to inspection by an authorized representative of the Wisconsin PTA as appointed by the Wisconsin State PTA president or by a duly authorized representative of the National PTA.
Section 3. Each local PTA shall adopt bylaws for the government of the association as may be approved by the Wisconsin PTA. Such bylaws shall not be in conflict with National PTA or state PTA bylaws. Such bylaws shall include an article on amendments and shall include a provision establishing a quorum.
Section 4. The charter of a local PTA shall be subject to withdrawal and the status of such association as a local PTA shall be subject to termination, in the manner and under the circumstances provided by the bylaws of the Wisconsin PTA.
Section 5. Each local PTA is obligated, upon withdrawal of its charter by the Wisconsin PTA:
a. To yield up and surrender all of its books and records and all of its assets and property to the Wisconsin PTA or to such agency as may be designated by the Wisconsin PTA or to another local PTA organized under the authority of the Wisconsin PTA;
b. To cease and desist from the further use of any name that implies or connotes association with the National PTA or the Wisconsin PTA or status as a constituent association of the National PTA;
c. To carry out promptly, under the supervision and direction of the Wisconsin PTA, all proceedings necessary or desirable for the purpose of dissolving such local PTA; and
d. To lose its tax exempt status as a local PTA unit organized under the authority of the Wisconsin PTA.
Section 6. Each officer or board member of a local PTA shall be a dues paying member of such local PTA.
Section 7. Only members of a local PTA who have paid dues for the current membership year may participate in the business of the local PTA.
Section 8. Each local PTA shall collect dues from its members and shall remit a portion of such dues to the Wisconsin PTA as provided in Article VII hereof.
Section 9. Each local PTA shall include in its bylaws provisions corresponding to the provisions of state bylaws identified by the number symbol #.
Section 10. There shall be no proxy voting by any constituent association of National PTA.
Article VII: Membership and Dues
Section 1. Every individual who is a member of a local PTA organized under the authority of a state constituent association is also a member of the National PTA and of the Wisconsin PTA. Members of local constituent association and National PTA shall be entitled to all the benefits of such membership, which shall include the:
a. Ability to serve in governance positions in National PTA and Wisconsin PTA; and
b. Right to vote at local, state and National PTA meetings based upon the requirement of serving as a voting delegate.
Section 2. Membership in each PTA shall be open, without discrimination, to anyone who believes in and supports the mission and purposes of National PTA.
Section 3. Each local PTA shall conduct an annual enrollment of members but may admit individuals to membership at any time.
Section 4. Each member of a local PTA shall pay such annual dues as may be determined by the association. The amount of such dues shall include the portion payable to the Wisconsin PTA ““ (the “state portion”) ““ and the portion payable to the National PTA ““ (the “national portion”).
Section 5. The national portion of each member’s dues shall be two dollars and twenty-five cents ($2.25) per annum.
Section 6. The amount of the state portion of each member’s dues shall be determined by the Wisconsin PTA. The Wisconsin PTA portion of each member’s dues shall be three dollars ($3.00) per annum.
Section 7. The state and national portions of the dues paid by each member of a local PTA shall be set aside by the local PTA and remitted to the Wisconsin PTA through such channels and at such times as the state PTA bylaws may provide. Each state PTA shall pay to the National PTA the amount of the national portion of dues paid by all members of local PTAs in its area.
Section 8. The membership year shall be established by the Wisconsin PTA Board of Directors.
Section 9. The local unit treasurer shall keep the record for the national and state portions of the membership dues separate from the funds of the local PTA.
Section 10. The state and national portion of the dues paid by each member shall be remitted to the Wisconsin PTA during the month in which they are collected. If, by November 1, a local PTA has failed to remit its first installment of annual dues, it will not be recognized as a PTA in good standing for the current year and further service from the state office may be withheld until such remittance is made.
Section 11. The Wisconsin PTA shall make remittances, on a monthly basis, to the National PTA of the amounts due to the National PTA. Each remittance shall be accompanied by a statement of the dues received by the Wisconsin PTA from all local PTAs within its area for the month covered by the report. Such statement shall show the name and location of each local PTA, the amount paid by it to the Wisconsin PTA, and the number of new members in each local PTA.
Section 12. A new PTA will be considered a PTA in good standing at the time that the first installment of dues has been received at the state office and the bylaws have been approved. If both of the above conditions have been met by March 1 of the current school year, a new PTA shall be chartered at the State PTA Annual Meeting and shall be allowed voting delegates at the annual meeting.
Section 13. A PTA which has not submitted a dues installment by the November 1 deadline will be contacted by the Wisconsin PTA to assess the status of the unit. If dues have not been submitted by June 30, of that membership year, the PTA shall no longer be considered an active PTA and their charter shall be evaluated for withdrawal.
Section 14. Honorary State Life Membership
a. Honorary State Life Membership may be conferred for distinguished service by any local PTA, council, region or the state board of directors, upon any person who has done outstanding work for PTA. Payment of a set fee must be made to the Wisconsin PTA.
b. Honorary State Life Membership shall carry neither the right to vote nor to hold office.
c. Honorary State Life Members must pay dues to a local unit/WALU to be entitled to all rights and privileges of active membership status.
Article VIII: Officers”“Election and Vacancies
Section 1. The officers of the Wisconsin PTA shall be a president, a president elect, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer.
Section 2. The president elect, vice president, secretary and treasurer shall be elected at the WI State PTA Annual Meeting in the odd numbered calendar year by the voting body of the annual meeting.
Section 3. The vote shall be conducted by ballot. When there is but one candidate for an office, the ballot for that office may be dispensed with and election held by voice vote. A majority vote shall be required for election.
Section 4. The following provisions shall govern the qualifications and eligibility of individuals to be officers of the Wisconsin PTA:
a. Each officer shall be a member of a local PTA chartered by the Wisconsin PTA.
b. No officer may be eligible to serve more than one (1) two-year term in the same office.
c. A person who has served in an office for more than one half of a full term shall be deemed to have served a full term in such office.
d. Each officer must have served a minimum of one (1) year on the state board or will have served one (1) full term on the board of a local PTA/council by the time they take office.
1. The officer candidate coming from a local unit/council shall meet the appropriate requirement:
(a) President elect candidates shall have served as president at the local level.
(b) Vice president, secretary and treasurer candidates shall have served in any elected position at the local level.
e. Only a member of a local PTA whose consent has been secured shall be eligible for nomination either by the nominating committee or from the floor.
Section 5. Each officer elected at an annual meeting shall take office on July 1 and shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successor is elected.
Section 6. Vacancies
a. A vacancy in the office of president will be filled by the president-elect. If the president-elect serves as president for less than 1 (one) year he/she shall continue to serve as president in the following term. If there is also a vacancy in the office of president-elect the vice president shall assume the
responsibilities of the office of president until a new president is elected. If neither officer is able to serve the office of president shall be filled in the following order: Immediate Past President, Treasurer, Secretary. If any of these officers previously served as president they would still be able to
serve as acting president.
b. If a vacancy occurs in the office of president-elect,
1. the board of directors shall elect an acting president-elect.
c. The acting president-elect must have served for minimum of one (1) year on the WI PTA board of directors or will have served one (1) full term as president on the board of a local PTA/council by the time they take office.
(a) Election shall be by ballot.
(b) If a ten (10) day notice of the election has been given to the members of the WI PTA Board of Directors, a majority vote shall elect, otherwise, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present shall be necessary.
2. An acting president-elect will not be eligible to assume the office of president in the case of a vacancy of that office.
3. While the office is vacant, the president shall assign the duties of the president-elect to other board members.
4. The acting president-elect shall serve until a new president-elect is elected by the delegates at a Wisconsin State PTA business meeting.
(a) If the vacancy occurs more than 4 months prior to the next WI State PTA business meeting an election will be held at that business meeting.
(b) If the vacancy occurs less than 4 months prior to the business meeting, the election will be held at the following WI PTA business meeting allowing time for a nominating committee to be elected and for candidates to be nominated according to the procedures below.
5. The acting president-elect can run for the president-elect or president position at the election assuming they have not previously held those positions.
c. A vacancy in any other office shall be filled by an acting officer elected by the Board of Directors at its next meeting.
1. The acting officer is not required to have previously served on the WI PTA Board of Directors.
2. The acting officer shall be eligible to serve in the same position for which they fill the vacancy in future terms if they have met the requirements for being elected to office as described in Section 4.
3. Election shall be by ballot.
4. If a ten (10) day notice of the election has been given to the members of the board of directors, a majority vote shall elect, otherwise, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present shall be necessary.
d. Acting officers in any office are not included in the line of succession.
Section 7. Election of the nominating committee
a. A nominating committee with an odd number of members, at least five (5), with only the committee chair being required to be a current member of the Wisconsin Board of Directors, and all other members of the committee being PTA members of a unit in good standing, shall be elected by the board of
directors at the summer board meeting of each new term.
b. At least (3) of the members must be present in order to hold a meeting of this committee.
c. No more than two (2) members can be from the same region.
d. No person is eligible to serve for two (2) consecutive elections on this committee.
e. The president and president elect shall not serve as a member of the nominating committee.
Section 8. Duties of the Nominating Committee
a. Shall select a slate of nominees for the positions of president-elect, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and all elected WI Board of Director committee and commission chairs.
b. A copy of the committee’s report giving the name of one (1) nominee for each office to be filled shall be sent to each member of the state board of directors at least sixty (60) days before the annual meeting.
c. The names of the nominees for officer positions shall be published in the Wisconsin Parent-Teacher at least forty-five (45) days before the annual meeting.
d. The committee shall report their slate of nominees for officer positions at the annual meeting during its first general session, at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. Any accredited voting delegate of the state annual meeting may nominate a candidate for any office provided the nominee meets the qualifications in Article VIII, Section 4, consent of nominee has been secured, and
a 30-day written notice prior to the annual meeting of intent to run has been provided to the president.
e. The names of the nominees for committee/commission chairs shall be sent to each member of the state board of directors at least thirty (30) days before the election.
f. The committee shall report their slate of nominees for the elected committee and commission chair positions at the organizational meeting following the WI State PTA Annual Meeting in the odd-numbered calendar years.
Article IX: Duties of Officers
Section 1. The president shall:
a. preside at all meetings;
b. serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee;
c. perform such other duties as may be provided for by these bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the board of directors or executive committee;
d. select a parliamentarian who shall be approved by the executive committee;
e. appoint region advisors, Bulletin Editor, and all standing committee chairs not elected by the board;
f. appoint members of commissions and specified standing committees;
g. appoint not more than four (4) special project coordinators;
h. invite up to eight (8) different liaisons from cooperative educational agencies to serve on the WI PTA Board with board approval;
i. shall direct all activities of the state office. The state office shall be located in Madison, Wisconsin;
j. submit an annual report on the Wisconsin PTA to the National PTA;
k. designate the president-elect to act in the absence or inability of the president to perform the duties of said office.
l. Shall be a member of the National Constituent Association Advisory Council (NCAAC).
1. If the state president is unable to attend, the state president-elect, vice-president or a current elected officer designee may represent the president.
Section 2. The president-elect shall:
a. be elected to succeed the current president
b. act as an aide to the president;
c. perform the duties of the president in the president’s absence or inability to serve;
d. perform such other duties as may be provided for by these bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the president, the board of directors, or the executive committee
e. be director of regions and councils, and in charge of the Leadership Committee;
Section 3. The vice-president shall:
a. serve as an aide to the president;
b. fulfill all duties and responsibilities as assigned by the president.
Section 4. The secretary shall:
a. keep an accurate account of all meetings;
b. be prepared to read the records of any previous meetings;
c. file all records;
Section 5. The treasurer shall:
a. maintain a full account of the funds of the Wisconsin PTA;
b. cause to be kept a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Wisconsin PTA;
c. render a written statement to the board of directors at each meeting;
d. present an annual report of the financial condition of the organization;
e. prepare or cause to be prepared an annual report for audit;
f. perform such other duties as may be provided for by these bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the president, the board of directors, or the executive committee;
g. serve as chair of the finance committee;
h. direct the collection and deposit of funds of the Wisconsin PTA in a depository approved by the board of directors;
i. direct the disbursement of funds in accordance with the approved budget and/or upon direction of the board of directors. The orders upon the treasurer for the disbursement of funds shall be signed by the president;
j. direct the remittance of the national portion of dues at such times as stated in the Bylaws of the National PTA;
k. be required to ensure that the Wisconsin PTA carry an insurance policy that covers protection against the misappropriation of funds.
l. other duties of the treasurer may be delegated to one or more staff personnel designated by the executive committee.
m. perform such other duties as may be provided by these bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the president, board of directors, or the executive committee.
Section 6. Immediate Past President
a. Serve as the president of Wisconsin At Large Unit (WALU);
b. Work with the bylaws chair to update the WALU bylaws as needed
c. Serve as advisor to the executive committee and other committees as designated by Wisconsin PTA Policy.
Section 7. All officers shall:
a. perform the duties prescribed in the parliamentary authority in addition to those outlined in these bylaws;
b. deliver to successors all official materials at least ten (10) days following the close of their terms of office.
View our entire Bylaws by clicking here.
Current Resolutions are contained in pages of this book. These resolutions were adopted at WCPT (Wisconsin Congress of Parent and Teachers) conventions; they represent continuing concerns of the Wisconsin PTA and should be considered as statements of position.
In many cases the “Whereas” clauses of these resolutions may be out of date and inappropriate to today’s situation. Therefore, only the resolved clauses should be considered as statements of position.
Numbers listed are the year the resolution was passed and the number of the resolution. i.e.: 89-9 (9th of 11 resolutions voted on in 1989)
Resolution on textbooks and other instructional material credibility.
Whereas, PTA is totally committed to the principle of equal opportunity for all children and
Whereas, many textbooks currently in use have been found to be inaccurate in their portrayal of the contributions of women in the history of humankind and in their portrayal of the cultural and socio-economic diversity present in the United States and
Whereas, the omission or stereotyping of various ethnic, regional and occupational groups in textbooks and in other materials may convey a false impression on the potential of such groups, be it resolved:
Resolved: that the Wisconsin Congress of Parents and Teachers at all organizational levels urge the proper authorities to adopt such textbooks, library books and other instructional materials which portray accurately the contributions of both women and men of all racial, ethnic, regional and occupational groups.
Whereas, the initial investment to provide vocational/technical training is costly but vital to Wisconsin’s economic development; and
Whereas, high schools are still generally being built to provide less Vocational/Technical and practical education for individual students; and
Whereas, the general educational system in Wisconsin receives more philosophical support then vocational/technical programs; and
Whereas, there appears to be more professionally qualified individuals than there are professional jobs and more para professionals and vocational/technical jobs than there are trained for these jobs; now therefore be it resolved,
Resolved, that the Wisconsin PTA;
- Encourage parents, educators, and the general public to give proper and equal recognition and acceptance to vocational/technical education through involvement in conference and education programs.
- Be a leader in encouraging that more curricula be vocational/technical oriented and the “general education” subject matter be directed to that orientation according to student interests so that instruction relates to the realities of life.
- Assure that every young person completing our school system at grade twelve be ready to enter higher education or to enter useful and rewarding employment.
- Support efforts to gain additional funds and give priority consideration to the improvement and expansion of vocational/technical education in the public high schools so that all students will have an opportunity for an occupational education, if desired.
- Encourage business and industrial representatives to support vocational/ technical education by providing scholarships to post-s
Whereas, “Head Start” and “Home Start” educational programs have become an integral part of the education of four-year-old children from educational disadvantaged areas of the state; and
Whereas, the National PTA and other educational organizations recognize the “Head Start” and/or “Home Start” are functional and proven programs; and
Whereas, “Head Start” and/or “Home Start” programs follow guidelines for parent participation which PTA believes crucial to the success of the program; i.e. input into the program involvement of the parent in the classroom as paid employees, volunteers, and/or observers; staff visits to the home for discussion of parent contribution to child development; and parent education programs which parents have helped to organize,
Now therefore be it
Resolved, that the Wisconsin PTA endorse the concept of continuing the voluntary, Federally funded “Head Start” and/or “Home Start” programs, and that PTA’s work for the expansion of voluntary “Head Start” and/or “Home Start” programs, funded through local funds, for the benefit of all four-year-old children.
Whereas, within the past two years the realization that the power of the court to adjudicate inequities regarding the education of children with exceptional needs has become widely recognized; and
Whereas, the achievement of full educational opportunities for children with exceptional need lies in the development of a strong legal foundation, and
Whereas, the introduction and passage of new stage and Federal legislation and the growing establishment by the Federal courts that the right to an education and the right to treatment for children with exceptional needs is “unalienable”, and
Whereas, the availability of increased funds, and the increased attention to the delivery of services for the education of children with exceptional needs has been effected and recognized by public policy makers, and
Whereas, these activities and events are increasingly reshaping the face of special Education.
Now therefore be it
Resolved: For children with exceptional needs:
- The PTA work to influence public opinion through the use of all media to support, strengthen and improve services for children with exceptional needs.
- The PTA work to influence school boards to support special education programming and services for children with exceptional needs who are inadequately provided for.
- The PTA work to influence legislators to pass state and Federal laws
The Specific Learning Disabilities child is a crisis and contributes a major share of problem that exists in schools today. As research continues it is now being projected that the 2% incident figures for Specific Learning Disabilities is low. Once Specific Learning Disabilities is recognized by the general public and recognized by educators and teachers the incident figures for Specific Learning Disabilities will average 11% of any given school population.
Whereas, the unmet needs of the SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities) child have become critical and
Whereas, the identification of the SLD child, because of the neurological impairment is often so subtle or deceptive that his disability is one of the most difficult to diagnose, and
Whereas, the discrepancy between the number of children presently being tested and served, and the number of children with specific learning disabilities is partly due to the lack of understanding of this type of disability, and
Whereas, principals, teachers and parents frequently do not recognize certain learning or behavior problem as manifestations of SLD, and
Whereas, some school systems feel that it is hopeless to refer the child because there are not enough classrooms available, and
Whereas, getting SLD teachers is a major problem for SLD programs, as this often hinges on the availability of qualified teacher;
Now therefore be it
- That the Wisconsin PTA promote a program of public awareness and understanding of Specific Learning Disabilities throughout the state.
- That the PTA should devote a portion of its time to developing the concept of the learning disabilities child as a separate entity within the sphere of children with exceptional needs.
- That PTA work to help public schools start and expand learning disabilities programs throughout the state as only public systems can adequately finance the educational needs of the growing number of Specific Learning Disabilities children.
Whereas, immunizations are not only effective but also an economical means of preventing the incidence of diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, mumps, rubella, measles and certain other infectious diseases which can cause discomfort, disabilities and death, and
Whereas, the immunity level of a community must be maintained in order to ensure that disease outbreaks are prevented, and
Whereas, Wisconsin communities do not have consistently high levels of protections against diseases for which there are available primary preventive antigens, and the age group with highest risk but with the lowest level of protection is the pre-school population, and
Whereas, it is recognized that the adoption of positive health practices may be affected by health education, parental interest, public commitment and the availability, accessibility and acceptability of health services;
Now therefore be it
Resolved, that a statewide campaign be initiated to create a favorable atmosphere of programs to educate parents to the availability of immunization programs, to protect individuals of all ages.
Today almost all children attend school during a substantial portion of their waking hours. It is recognized that their attainment of maximum educational achievement is dependent on optimum health. Yet many children are not receiving continuing, comprehensive health care. Other are physically or mentally handicapped. Some have chronic health problems which have not been recognized. Many are on medication prescribed by their physicians. All can and do have accidents which cause minor to major injuries.
Both the apparently well and those with health problems require health services from time to time. While teacher, administrator, and other school staff can and do provide many of the everyday kinds of care like first aid and some health counseling, they have neither the skills nor the time to meet the health needs of all the children during the school day. Those best qualified to provide the necessary health services to meet the needs of all the children are school nurses because they;
- Have the knowledge and skills to work with parents and supplement their efforts in safeguarding and promoting the health of all children.
- Are the primary health contact for the child and the ones who represent total health interests on the school staff.
- Can serve as the liaison with the health professional outside of the school including physicians, dentists, optometrists, hospital staff, public health workers and others.
- Can help teachers understand and help meet health needs of children.
- Are close to the child and can provide such health services as emergency care for accidents and illness, screening for health defects, detection of impending health programs, counseling for prevention and correction of health problem, helping to adapt the school program to special health needs, supervising giving of medication, working with many other health issues.
Therefore, be it
Resolved, that serious consideration be given to the employment of school nurses who can make a significant direct contribution to the health and well-being of children and to their educational achievement.
Whereas, the Wisconsin PTA has always upheld the philosophy that no individual should be labeled throughout his school years and/or after, and
Whereas, some school files have personality profiles and behavior traits compiled by teachers and/or administrators, and
Whereas, some schools also keep disciplinary records or files; and
Whereas, as a result of technology information from this type of file could possibly be made available in the future upon the request of employers, government officials and other individuals, and
Whereas, school files are based upon subjective evaluation for educational purposes and these determinations are made during an individuals’ developing years and are not therefore necessarily an accurate evaluation of the more mature individual, and
Whereas, the potential misuse and misinterpretation of this subjective information for other purposes might be to the great detriment of the individual and a violation of his constitutional rights, and
Whereas, the WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON YOUTH has included “the balance between gathering and recording information about the child to aid his growth, and using it to label and shunt him into one another “track” in his schooling is too tenuous to permit a mere expression of good intent to justify these activities. We must continuously evaluate how and by whom such information is collected, by whom and for what purpose it is used, for how long and in what way it is maintained. Prevention of abuse can be promoted by being open about such records, by allowing the party concerned access to them and the opportunity to comment upon and challenge particular items, and by positive legal sanctions to ensure their non-harmful use.”
Therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Wisconsin PTA work in cooperation with the State Department of Public Instruction for guidelines pertaining to; student files are to be open to parents or those in parental relationships and to students upon receipt of written permission from the parents so that all parties involved can have a clear understanding of the information contained in these files.
Whereas, there is an increased awareness of the needs and rights of children, and
Whereas, there is increasing legislation on the State and Federal level concerning children and their needs and rights, and
Whereas, although the motivation may always be of the best intent, the Constitutionality of some of this legislation and its possible implementation has been questioned.
Therefore be it
Resolved, that PTA will investigate all legislation pertaining to children with intent to jealously guard and uphold the Constitution of the United States and that all legislation concerning children must be specific as to what groups or individuals are to be served and the right of parent and family and home must not be infringed upon by any level of Government.
Whereas, there is a trend toward the right of a minor to receive medication without the parents’ consent,
Therefore be it
Resolved, that any legislation of this type must define the type of disease and the age of the persons involved and the type of drugs to be used.
Whereas, the prime concern of PTA members is quality education for our children and the most important single element in quality education is the quality of teachers involved, and
Whereas, in teaching as in other professions, experience is a valuable and vital resource which should not be denied our child in so-called economy drives when there are budget areas more suitable for curtailing than that which deal with teacher personnel, and
Whereas, teacher hiring practices in recent years have tended to discriminate in favor of lower-salaried, less experienced teachers rather than hiring teachers with more experience and advanced study, and
Whereas, such practices have actively discouraged teachers from seeking graduate degrees and improving their educational background in professional studies lest they endanger their employment status, and
Whereas, it is stated policy of the Wisconsin PTA to take an interested part in such matters where members have delegated their powers to elected school board members, and to make their desire for experienced, competent teachers known be attending school board meetings and so declaring,
be it therefore
Resolved, that the PTA takes a firm stand in favor of recognizing the value of experienced and advanced training in teacher candidates and will actively support the hiring of the most highly qualified teachers available recognizing that this is the greatest single contribution we can make to the betterment of education as it affects our children, and be it further
Resolved, that the executive board of local PTA units will actively pursue this aspect of school board policy by contacting teachers’ organization leaders and school board members to determine present policy and to make reports concerning same at regular meetings when appropriate, and be it further
Resolved, that PTA units will work to mobilize public opinion to support conscientious and impartial hiring practices of teachers and administrators in order to assure our children the best educators, and to support all reasonable economy moves which will not lessen the quality of the education process.
Whereas, there is great difference in safety standards, requirements and inspections for school buses, be it Resolved, that the Wisconsin PTA actively support uniform safety standards,
requirements and inspections for all school buses.
Whereas, there are many uniquely different hazards that exist among schools,
be it Resolved, that the Wisconsin PTA actively support adequate crossing guard
supervision when any need exists.
Resolution on devotional exercises in public schools. Whereas, the PTA believes that worship and religious education are the responsibility of church and home and not of the public schools or government institutions, and Whereas, the PTA believes non-denominational devotional exercises in public schools would have a most minimal religious value and would invite the intrusion of sectarian influence into the public system therefore be it Resolved, that the Wisconsin PTA records its considered opinion that amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America would seek to impose or sponsor devotional exercises in our public schools should be opposed.
Resolution concerning separation of church and state. Whereas, the Constitution of the United States is the basic law of the land, and Whereas, the First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, therefore be it Resolved, that the PTA continue to guard against all violation of the purpose of separation of church and state.
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Resolution concerning textbook and other material credibility. Whereas, the PTA believes that all children should be taught to love, respect, and appreciate their American heritage and to recognize their responsibilities to it, therefore be it Resolved, that the Wisconsin PTA support textbooks in teaching respect for our history, Constitution, founding fathers and fundamental American ideals and traditions and encourage our schools to make every effort, when presenting information about other forms of government to strive for complete and impartial interpretation.
Resolution concerning State Lottery to support education. Whereas, the Milwaukee Common Council has proposed a state lottery to support the educational system of Wisconsin, and Whereas, the worthy cause (the education of children) will be used to promote vice (gambling), and Whereas, gambling has traditionally been considered a vice in Wisconsin and has been illegal, and Whereas, the moral principles of children and their parents will be corrupted by such a scheme, and Whereas, gambling pilfers money from those who can least afford to lose it, encourages their character weaknesses, and often results in their further dependence upon society to care for them, and Whereas, the lottery scheme to finance education has been reported to be unsuccessful in New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, therefore be it Resolved, that the Wisconsin Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., go on record as opposing a state lottery for any purpose whatsoever, and be it further Resolved, that the Wisconsin Congress of Parents and Teachers and its affiliated units actively engage in disseminating information to the public which will educate them regarding lotteries.
Whereas, The State of Wisconsin has the responsibility to assure equal educational opportunities and to maintain schools as nearly uniform as possible, and Whereas, There is a need to eliminate racial and ethnic isolation in our schools, and Whereas, There is need to promote genuine understanding and mutual respect for people of diverse backgrounds and cultures by students and school personnel, and Whereas, The racial and ethnic isolation in some cases within and among school districts is increasing, and Whereas, A good mix of children in a school would reflects the general composition of the population in the school district, therefore be it Resolved, That the Wisconsin PTA work vigorously to help eliminate racial, ethnic and socio-economic segregation by working with the Department of Public Instruction towards this goal and by establishing Human Rights Committees where parents, teachers and administrators would work together for greater understanding and equal educational opportunities for all children.
View our entire text on Resolutions by clicking here.